Friday, October 3, 2008

Olympics Over ? Think Again..

Wow forgot what its like to have a post in here... so sorry for the not posting but good news the Blog is back up and running again.

Well your probably wondering when gonna be our next event, well good news were having our very own Mini Olympics.What it about well.. i guess the name says it all on its own but for those who are not too fast in the old think tank its basically a Mini Olympic Style event at out favorite place on earth GTS

So whether your a Outdoors, Indoors ,almost out the door,
Exercise Freak,
Kaki Bangku,Bola Kaki
,couch potato,Bigger Couch Potato or Just Purely a Potato come join in on the fun.
Don't miss out on the F to the U to the N (extremely lame)
But yea join us..

RM 5 why not??

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Just enter the code and click download,wait about 40 sec,click free download
